there are many telltale signs that you have or are heading towards having issues with your system. these are some of the more obvious signs.
– Water leaking down windows/out of corners/through soffit linings or out through
holes in some fascias
– Black mould on soffit linings
– Brown spots on fascia ( fascia usually rusts from the inside, once there are brown
spots on the outside then the corrosion is usually extensive but hidden)
Checkout our photo gallery to see examples of gutters & fascia in need of replacing
Contact us for a free quote, once you provide your address we will be able to provide an accurate quote based on satellite imagery of your house.
Choose an area close to the problem and using any method available create some holes directly behind the existing fascia through the soffit lining (Soffit linings pre 1988 should be treated as containing asbestos so take care not to create dust and use proper disposal). This won’t fix the problem, but will give you control over the bulk of the water and where it leaks too and buy you some time to get your RIGS agent organized for a conversion. Keep the size of the hole to 70mm diameter (this part of the soffit will all be trimmed off when the conversion takes place)
Corner windows as sagging takes place through lack of solid timber walls
Internal or external corners
Areas with large overhangs over the walls i.e entranceways, porches/verandahs
Large openings such as garage doors or ranch sliders as lintels do sag over time. This is especially prevalent with concrete tile roofs as the weight is significant.
Any area where the Fascia/Gutter butts into a wall and has a stopend. This area is of critical importance and is one of the areas that causes the most damage. Check for a diverter and make sure the cladding goes behind the gutter.
Areas where there is no overhang/soffit outside the wall line. This is more a problem when there is rust as opposed to sagging. These areas generally don’t sag as they’re are supported by the wall/lintel.
To date their hasn’t been a product to take care of such a huge range of building methods from using Rigs as a cover fascia for old timber fascia through to revamping the troublesome internal systems by converting to external and ALL fascia systems in-between.